What Is the Difference Between Advertising and Promotion? It can get quite confusing and that is understandable.
Category: Internet Marketing Mechanics
Internet Marketing Mechanics
What Is social media And How Can I Leverage on It? It is hard to imagine anyone who is adept with the use of the internet to not know…
Internet Marketing Mechanics
What Is Article Marketing? As one of the most effective marketing tools used by online marketers…,
Internet Marketing Mechanics
What Is Blogging? Simply think of social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter and you will already get an idea of what blogging is.
Internet Marketing Mechanics
What Is List Building? In internet marketing, you only want to focus your advertisement on your target niche.
Internet Marketing Mechanics
What Is Traffic? You can imagine that cables, wires, and on-air signals where electronic data travels via the internet can be likened to highways…
Internet Marketing Mechanics
What is SEO? SEO stands for Search Optimization Engine. Simply put, it is an online marketing technique that is focused on making sure that your web site or web pages…
Internet Marketing Mechanics
How Do I Know What People Are Searching For? When it comes to internet marketing, keywords are everything.
Internet Marketing Mechanics
What Is a Squeeze Page/Opt-In Page? Discussed previously is the email marketing strategy.
Internet Marketing Mechanics
What Is a Sales Letter? Sometimes, simply waiting for potential customers to end up on your website and make a purchase is not enough.