Article Magic

Article Magic

The Past, Present, and Future
Of Article Marketing


Part I What Is Article Marketing?
Part II The History of Article Marketing
Part III Article Marketing Today
Part IV The Future of Article Marketing
Part V Article Marketing for Your Business

What Is Article Marketing?

Article Marketing is essentially writing and distributing short articles to a variety of outlets, including article repositories, which are also called article directories and article banks, forums, and newsletter publishers.

Article marketing is one of the most effective types of marketing that one can do – it is also one of the least expensive ways to market a business. In fact, it can even be free, costing you
nothing more than your time.

Here is how it works. Let’s say that you are in the weight loss niche, and you sell various weight loss products, whether they are your own products or products of which you are an affiliate.

You write a weight loss article, preferably one that is closely related to one of your products – but you don’t necessarily want to advertise the product in the article.

Instead, you want to address a problem that the product can help to solve in your article – without mentioning the product.

For instance, if you sell cellulite cream, you can write an article about what cellulite is, what causes it, and the various methods used to get rid of it. The article should be no more than 750 words, and have a compelling title.

At the bottom of your article, you include an author’s resource box. This is basically a block of text, made up of one paragraph that is anywhere from five to seven lines long.

In this paragraph, you might say something like this:

John Doe is a weight loss expert who has helped hundreds of people get and keep weight off. You can find more valuable weight loss information and help at his website, John Doe’s Weight Loss Secrets, located at . You can find specific information for getting rid of cellulite at .

Once you have written your article, ensured that you have made all of the points that you wanted to make, and checked the article for spelling and grammar mistakes, you are ready to distribute it.

Distributing an article can be a very time-consuming task. Many people outsource this work, and pay a fee for someone else to do the distribution work. Others do it themselves using software that automates the process. You should note, however, that a large number of the best article repositories do not allow or approve articles that are auto submitted – and they can tell when this is done.

Manual submissions – whether done by you or someone else – are always best.

The article is distributed to the article repositories first. There are hundreds of these in existence, and some are better than others. For these repositories, you will need your article, the title, possibly a sub title, your author’s resource box, your website Url, your email address, a short description of your article, and a list of keywords, separated by commas, for your article.

Essentially, you visit each article repository, either sign up for a new account or log in, and copy and paste all of the information into a form that is provided for article submissions.

Most article repositories have a manual approval process, so it may take a week or more before your article appears on their website.

Once you have submitted to the article repositories, you will want to distribute your article to ezine publishers that cover topics within your niche. You can build your own database of these publishers. You find them by visiting the ezine directories.

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Using this form, you can download our Article Magic Report for Free!

Here’s what you’ll be getting:

The 10-Page Report – Designed as a primer to give you a background understanding of the subject,
The Article Magic Report gives you a picture of the
past, present & future of Article Marketing.

Free Distribution Rights – You will also
be able to distribute this Report to your
own lists, site visitors and Blog readers,
use it as a bonus to your products,
upload it to membership sites, etc.

This Opt-In List-Building Page! – You
will also be given a copy of this very page,
so you can build your own opt-in list by
giving away The Article Magic Report!

Internet Marketing E-Zine! – You will also receive valuable marketing information by e-mail every few days, helping you become more of an expert in the field!

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LEGAL NOTE: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our product and its potential. Please remember that each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is no certain guarantee that you will earn any money. Always perform full Due Diligence and seek appropriate Professional advice when contemplating any business endeavor or investment opportunity.