Article Marketing Secrets

Article Marketing Secrets

That Produce A
Successful Online Income

By: Orlando Thompson

Article Marketing Secrets – What You Will Find In This eBook In this eBook we will discuss strategies and important concepts needed for successful article marketing.

This information can only be found here and will put your business in overdrive from simply following the time-tested proven strategies found in this eBook. These are by no means all-inclusive and more can be found on by blog but the ones found are the cornerstones of article marketing and will definitely put you on the road to success in article marketing.

Powerful Article Writing Strategies for Exploding Traffic and Link Popularity

One of the most discussed topics today is Article Writing. Many Webmasters are jumping into the bandwagon and are trying to revive and reinvent their old writing talents to good measure.

It is a known fact that there are several benefits in article writing and submitting articles to article directories. The main objective of most webmasters is to obtain one way links, thereby increasing Link Popularity and to generate Targeted Traffic.

NOTE: Success is much easier to achieve when tried and tested strategies are adopted.

Given below are such strategies, if adopted they will have a tremendous impact in Boosting your link popularity and Exploding Targeted Traffic to your website.

1. TOPIC: In article writing the most important thing is to choose the right Topic. Though you might be very knowledgeable in sports it makes no sense writing an article on sports if the theme of your website is Home Based Business. Choose a topic related to the theme of your website. If you find it difficult to choose a topic, then visit some of the Forums and see what popular topics are being discussed and select one related to your Home-Based Business theme.

2. TITLE: Have a Powerful Killer or Catchy Title that will immediately grab the attention of the Audience (much like this one did to get you to read it). Success or Failure of your article is to a great extent dependent on your title. It is worth spending quite some time over this very important aspect.

3. INTRODUCTION: The Introduction has to be very compelling. So write an Introduction that is Concise Powerful and Absorbing. It should be such that the reader would want to continue reading the article right up to your Resource Box.

4. CONTENT: Good Content is what the reader is interested in. Keep in mind the popular saying “Content is King”. Your article should be of high quality, thought provoking, Informative, Precise and Accurate. Articles written sincerely from the heart are greatly appreciated and accepted by the audience because they realize that you are trying to be helpful and before long a rapport is established between you and the audience.

5. KEYWORDS: Key Words play a very significant role in article writing. The awareness and success of your articles is greatly dependent on your key words and where you place them. The keywords should be judiciously placed in the Title of your article, in the Introduction paragraph, in the Concluding paragraph and in the main Body of the article. It should not interrupt the flow of the article, being excessive can be seen as keyword stuffing.

6. RESOURCE BOX: One of the main purposes of article writing is to obtain a one-way link and generate traffic to your site. For this the Resource Box is of utmost importance. Place a resource box at the end of the article with a very brief description of yourself or your product along with your name and URL. Double check your URL since this is your lifeline for both your link and traffic.

7. ARTICLE SUBMISSION: Having written a good article, you now have to submit your article to various article directories and submission sites. All of them have their own submission rules. It is important that you study them before submitting your article. Failure to do so will mean that your article may not get published, and all your efforts will be in vain.

That’s it. Follow this strategy in your article writing and you are assured of a surge of targeted traffic and increased link popularity in the major search engines. In addition, and more importantly you will soon be accepted as an authority and expert in your field. Isn’t it wonderful!

What’s Included

Chapter 2: Online Articles – Get Traffic

Chapter 3: Publish Articles for Profit

Chapter 4: Six Reasons Why You Should Jump Into Article Marketing

Chapter 5: Secrets of Article Publishing Success

Chapter 6: Reap Benefits When You Submit Articles for Niche Marketing

Chapter 7: Pointers When Aiming to Earn From Article Marketing

Chapter 8: Quality And Keywords: How To Strike The Perfect Article Balance

Chapter 9: Questions and Answers about Article Marketing

Chapter 10: Seven Benefits of Niche Article Directories

Chapter 11 Submit Articles Here There and Everywhere – Boom! Top of the Search Engines.


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Warm Regards, Coyalita

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