Joint Ventures with a Twist

1 month to 1000 List Members

Joint Ventures with a Twist

Setting up joint-venture operations with other online marketers or established people in your business (i.e., those who already have a mailing list) is a terrific way of rapidly expanding your mailing list. (“Academy Internet Marketing: How to Make Money with Emails …”)

The theory of how it should work is extremely simple. From your research of forums, chat boards and news sites in your market, you establish who the leading players are, the people who already have reasonable mailing lists. You propose a joint-venture operation to them where you provide them with something of value to send to their list members, they do so, and for those list members to get the gift that you are offering, they must register with you.

However, the difficulty of establishing joint ventures of this nature is that most established businesspeople are very protective of their list members’ information. They simply do not like ‘giving away’ list members (as they see it) to other people who might become competition in the future.

To make this work, you must do a little more than most marketers are willing to do to convince potential joint-venture partners to collaborate with you. This is how you can go about it.


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