Mass Traffic Attack Chapter 4 – Keyword Research
Mass Traffic Attack Chapter 4 – Keyword Research in this chapter we are going to take a closer look at the importance of keywords in authoring your articles. After all there is not a lot of point in spending time writing and no one gets to read your work is there?! That is why this part is vital. It does not have to take long, and indeed it can be extremely rewarding knowing that, in contrast to most other article marketers, you are doing this properly.
Positioning Articles with Keywords
So, what are keywords?
They are simply words or phrases that people use to search for information online. You will also hear the term “keyword density” used a lot. This is usually expressed in percentage terms and just means how many times a particular keyword is used every 100 words. The reason keywords are important is that the main way in which people search for information online is to go to a search engine such as Google, and enter their search terms, or keywords, there.
If you do not author articles with the correct keywords in mind, i.e., those that people are using as search terms, it means that no one is ever going to find your article.
Why? Because no-one is searching for it.
The ideal keyword density is somewhere between 1% and 3%. In a 400-word article this would equate to using your main keyword phrase no more than 3 times. Less than that and no one will ever find your article. Any more than that, the search engines will, quite correctly, assume you to be keyword spamming so will disregard your article.
So, let us look at how you can find the best keywords to use for your article.
Basic Keyword Research
This is actually pretty easy to do, even for a complete novice. Since Google is the most popular search engine, it makes sense to start there. They have an excellent free tool which you can find here:
Bear in mind these 3 things when doing your keyword research:
- Number of Searches – This is simply the number of times per month that a keyword phrase is being searched upon. In Google AdWords this is called “Global Monthly Searches.” When a phrase has a high number of searches, it naturally means many people are looking for it. Obviously, that makes it a better choice for you.
- Competing Sites – After you have found a keyword with good monthly search volume, go to Google, and enter it into the search box. Make a note of how many results come up. Anything over 500,000 means a lot of other sites are competing for that term. On the other hand, a figure below 50,000 obviously means that there are far fewer competing sites.
So, it naturally follows that the less competition you have, the better your chances of getting to the first page of the search results. This should be your primary aim and will give you a massive increase in traffic.
- Is Money being spent? – Not all keywords or traffic are profitable; there are several niches where money just is not being spent. So how can you find this out in advance, before you have sat down and written 30 articles about a subject?
That is easy.
After you have entered your search term check if any paid ads (Pay Per Click) have appeared, either at the top of the listing or down the right-hand side. If there are any ads, it means that web site owners are paying money for the same keywords. So, when they are paying money, it makes sense they are also making money from those ads.
So, if you carefully examine the above areas of keyword research, you should have a decent list of keywords that you can use to position your articles well. Do not forget that your aim is to get good, profitable keywords with a decent number of searches per month, and low competition.
Making Your Articles Keyword Rich
Once you have obtained your keywords, you need to include them in your articles. As mentioned before, there is a significant difference between enriching and stuffing. The search engines are clever enough to see when someone is trying to fool them.
Insert your keywords in such a manner that they flow smoothly through the article and follow the 1% to 3% keyword density rule closely. The general rule of thumb is to use one short 2–3-word keyword phrase, and two so-called “long tail keywords” of 4 or more words.
Follow these simple rules and your articles will soon appear for the keywords that you are targeting.
So having taken care of that we can now focus on our articles.
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Best Wishes, Coyalita
See Tomorrow: “Chapter 5 – Writing Attention Grabbing Headlines”
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