How to Start a Niche Business on the Internet: Step V – Setting Up Your Web Site
How to Start a Niche Business on the Internet: Step V – Setting Up Your Web Site The best web site model for selling single niche products is the “direct response” model.
Direct response web sites have five key features:
1. They are clean and uncluttered.
2. They are straightforward.
3. They present product benefits in sales letter format.
4. They ask for the sale.
5. They automatically complete the sale and the delivery of the product.
The design most niche marketers prefer, and which I recommend you follow, looks something like this:
On direct response sites, graphics are kept to a minimum. Typically, there are no external links – and any internal links point to things like contact information, faqs, legal notices and an affiliate program.
The goal is to keep your visitors on your site. Don’t send them to someone else’s web site! Don’t give them too many navigational choices. You want them to read your sales copy and take action: either buy the product, sign up for more information or leave.
Unless you happen to be a web design guru, the design of your direct response site is a task I recommend you outsource to a professional. You’ll never have to write a single code, and your site will look fantastic.
Places to Get the Job Done: (highly recommended)
Hosting and Domain Names
Decent web hosts are a dime a dozen these days. But ‘decent’ isn’t good enough when your business is on the line. What you need is a web host that is both affordable and reliable.
Here are a couple of hosts I recommend:
You can walk away with plenty of space and bandwidth, plus more features than you’ll ever need, for $25/mo. or less with one of these hosts.
Domain names can also be had cheaply. You really shouldn’t be paying more than $10-$15 per year for domain registration. You’ll also want to go with a registrar that gives you full access to your DNS (domain name server) information. You never know when you may need to point your domain name to a new host.
I’ve been very pleased with Teknon Domains: COM addresses are cheap at $9.95/yr.
Another perk: you can pay via funds in your pay pal account.
Some guidelines for choosing a domain name:
• The name should help “brand” your site
• It should be easy to type in and easy to remember
• It should be as close as possible in name to either the title of your product or your niche.
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Regards, Coyalita
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