How To Get More Social Shares: The Definitive Guide For Bloggers

How To Get More Social Shares: The Definitive Guide For Bloggers

How To Get More Social Shares: The Definitive Guide For Bloggers – Have you ever wondered how the top bloggers get so many social shares?

We’ve all asked the question at some point.

And sure, social share counts are a bit of a vanity metric but that’s only part of the story.

The truth is that awesome things happen when you get more shares on your content, like:

  • Brand awareness
  • More blog traffic
  • Search engines index your content faster
  • More bloggers will offer to contribute to your blog
  • Other bloggers will invite you to contribute to their blog
  • Potentially higher search engine rankings
  • You’ll earn more backlinks which again, leads to more traffic

The benefits are endless, but what can you do right now to significantly increase the number of shares on your content?

Below you’ll find some of the most effective tactics, and you’ll learn exactly how to implement them.

Ready? Let’s dive in!

Use Quuu Promote

Want a quick and easy way to get more social shares without having to build an audience?

You need Quuu Promote

Quuu is a content curation platform that provides content suggestions to it’s users.

Quuu Promote is a manually quality checked service that allows you to get your content put in front of Quuu’s user base.

This means more shares on Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin.

It’s not free but you can get plenty of social shares without having an existing audience which is amazing.

You can either go for a manual service where you submit content yourself or you can opt for the automatic option where everything is handled for you. Quite the time saver, right?

Click here to learn more about Quuu Promote.

Ask newsletter subscribers to share and give them a reason

There’s a saying by Nora Roberts which goes something like this:

“If you don’t ask, you don’t get.”

And while sometimes you won’t need to ask, more people will take action when you do.

I particularly like how Jon Morrow asks his newsletter subscribers to share the latest content from SmartBlogger  (previously Boost Blog Traffic).

What I like about how Jon asks this question is that he gives a reason why you should share; it isn’t just “please share it”.

Having a reason to share is important.

Make it easy for your readers to share your content

Don’t make your readers work too hard.

Add social sharing buttons and you’ll make it far easier for them to share your content.

Here’s an example of our mine used to look (we changed it slightly in our latest redesign):

Here’s how to make this work

It’s not enough to just add some social sharing buttons and hope for the best.

Consider these two points:

  • The more options you give people, the less likely they are to take action. It’s like when you open a menu at a restaurant and you’re faced with so many options that you don’t know what to choose.
  • Which social networks does your audience use most? Twitter & Facebook are typically popular but if you have a B2B audience, LinkedIn is worth including.


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Regards, Coyalita

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