Domain Profits the Value in Aged Domains

Domain Profits the Value in Aged Domains

Domains that have been registered and never dropped are called “Aged Domains”.

These domains typically sell for more than a new one does because it has been around for awhile, it’s usually out of the Google Sandbox and for those who are looking for aged domains, it can help them develop an existence online, a history, or credibility in their niche markets simply because if the domain has been around for years, it appears that they have as well.

Aged domains can also be found on forums like and simply by typing in the keywords “Aged Domains” into the search bar you can easily locate domain auctions that include these older domain names.

I have purchased dozens of domain names for $40 or less that were anywhere from 5 – 10 years old. Just based on the age alone I was able to flip these domain names for over 5x what I paid.

For instance, one domain name I purchased was never used, meaning it had never featured a website on it, it just sat parked in the users account for over six years.

I purchased the domain for only $30.00 and because of its age, I was able to flip it for $379.00.

That’s quite a boost in profit from a domain I paid so little for.

While there is no exact science as to what type of domain names will ultimately be worth the most, apart from the obvious short and memorable domain names, there are a few things to keep in mind:

1) Development Potential

When you analyze the available domains in your list, consider what each domain name could represent and be used for when creating a website presence.

An example of which is whether the domain name is one that could represent a product title, or better served as a personal portfolio, a social community, a
directory or perhaps a forum.

While the purpose of the domain name will unlikely match your ideas when it is sold, by thinking of a clear purpose for each domain name will not only help
you make sound choices during the selection process, but can also be included in the domain auction, as a way of passing on the ideas to prospective buyers who are considering purchase.

2) Length

It can not be said enough, that the length of a domain name, apart from the odd occurrence where you locate a lengthy domain name that still carries with it, a memorable element, most of the domain names you purchase should be relatively short, basically consisting of two words.

3) Trademark Issues

Avoid registering any domain names that could infringe upon the trademark of existing companies, whether or not you believe that the company will take action or not should not be considered.

The last thing you want is to purchase a domain name that is unable to be sold due to buyers being cautious or concerned about building a website on a domain that ends up being seized by a company wishing to protect their identity.

4) Relevant / Popular Keywords

Does the domain name contain popular keywords that are used by those seeking out more information in search engines? If so, your domain name just increased its value instantly.

One of the easiest ways to determine whether a keyword is a common one is by using the free service available at or 

5) Existing Traffic

If you are purchasing aged or recently expired domains, you will want to determine whether there is existing traffic to the website or not, thus increasing it’s value immensely.

Organic, natural traffic sent directly from search engines is the best kind, however back links from other websites are also very important to potential buyers.

An easy way to determine the number of backlinks as well as page rank and other important information is by visiting where you can enter in domain names and retrieve useful data relating to the
name itself.

6) Spelling and Pronunciation

Is the domain name easy to say aloud? If your customer were to purchase the domain and build a business with this name, would they be able to easily brand it?

For example, domain names with double letters such as may often be mistaken for, just the same, domains with odd spellings, hyphens or numbers would have to be clearly spelled out, or explained when someone is attempting to promote their website through word of mouth, rather than in print.

Consider this when registering domain names, and make sure that the names you choose will not be mistaken or misspelled by potential customers of yours, as well as the person who ultimately purchases it from you, otherwise it will experience a significant loss in perceived value.

When choosing your domain names, there will be many factors that come into play.

The type of audience you are catering to, the auction sites you are featuring them on, the price range you are expecting and so on.

There is no ‘one way’ to do this, and you will learn to become a better domain evaluator (and purchaser) from hands on experience. Using the guidelines above however, will help you maximize your efforts and minimize your costs (and losses).

Here are some other recommended domain registrars:

Regards, Coyalita

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