HTML 101 Kickstart Hyperlinks

HTML 101 Kickstart Hyperlinks

Video #9: Hyperlinks

One of the most common tags that you will run into is the hyperlink. This is a link that you create that will link to an internal link within your site or to an external link on a different website. This allows you to send a visitor to a different website. Once you conquer the hyperlink then you should feel more confident simply because you can use these tags within WordPress or any other content management platform, and anything that reads HTML.

By the end of the video course, you should feel confident enough that you can go out into the world and edit existing websites without having to hire an expensive coder.

Grab this video course now so you don’t ever have to worry about whether you can get past technical webpage roadblocks again!

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P.S. Finally, Learn the Basics of HTML Code So That You Can Edit HTML Easily – Even If You’re a Technophobe.

P.P.S. This training course is designed to show you how to break through the chains of not being able to edit your HTML-based webpages with ease, by enabling you to understand the most common HTML tags you will run into.

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