Pinterest Business Boards

Pinterest Business Boards

Pinterest Business BoardsWhat Is Pinning and Repinning? A pinboard represents a collection of pins. Pins are the images that you add to Pinterest.

You can upload images from all over the internet and your own computer. You can categorize those images for later use. When you are ready, bring them together as a collection and create a board.

When you “pin” an image, the source link is also captured. This ensures that wherever you got the image from, it is properly documented so others can find it too.

It also avoids any copyright or trademark problems with your boards. Only pin from permalinks. This is the link that gives original credit for the image.

If the image is not on the original site, track it back so that the correct source is captured.

Add a description to each pin. Explain why you like it, what it means to you or what it is depicting so that viewers can easily understand your theme.

How do you pin an image? One way is to add the Pin It bookmarklet to your browser. In this way, when you see an image you like, simply click that bookmarklet.

You are presented with the images on that page that are available for pinning. Some sites may not want you to pin their images and you will get a notice if this is the case.

From here, ready the image for inclusion to Pinterest. Select a category; type a description for your image; post it to an existing board or create a new one; add keyword tags to make the image easy to find.

Choose if you will also share that image on your social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. The last step is to click Pin It.

Repinning is much like retweeting. As you search through other boards on Pinterest, you might see an image you would like to include on your board.

Repinning allows you to click and include that image. When you use the Repin button on that image, the name of the original pinner and the original source link also follows the image to your board. The source link always follows an image, no matter how many times it is repined.

Regards, Coyalita 

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