Unlimited Affiliates Goldmine

Unlimited Affiliates Goldmine

Unlimited Affiliates GoldmineAffiliate Program Management – Part 2 Ok, so we’ve had a good look at aspects relating to the selection of percentages, levels, and whether or not to run an affiliate program.

Right now, we’re going to jump ahead a little bit, and start talking about how to actually manage those affiliates once you have them.

The most important factors that we’re going to address will be related to keeping your affiliates promoting, keeping them loyal, promotion spurts using offers, and at the same time, take a look at some of the biggest mistakes I still see people making every day whilst running their affiliate program.

Big Mistake Number One – Recycling

First up, let’s look at how many people manage their affiliates. Here’s the situation that I come across most. Person A sets up their website, their product and sales system, and integrates an affiliate program.

They go ahead, launch the product, and have their affiliates promote for them. That’s all very well, in fact, there’s nothing wrong with this until you consider what happens when this person goes on and creates a second product.

What you’ll likely see is they’ll create the product, put up the sales letter and sales system and go about things the same way as they did with their first product.

The problem is many marketers don’t seem to utilize the affiliates they gathered through the previous product in the promotion of their new product.

What a waste. All that promotion and affiliate gathering, and you’re just going to throw it all away by starting all over again when you come up with your next product.

People say to me, well that’s common sense. Sure, but how many are actually doing it?

This is definitely a big no, no. For affiliates being such a great part of online marketing, if you do have several products, you’ll want to remember all your affiliates.

I wouldn’t expect you to get a list of subscribers from one website, then throw them aside and not mail them when your next site launches. The same goes for affiliates.

Utilize this powerful tool. There are several ways of doing this of course, you may want to send a mail to your affiliates and let them know about this new promotion opportunity.

Your best bet, however, is to keep all affiliates in the one system for all your websites, and hit them with introductory offers every single time you launch a new product.

Now I know some of you may not have the budget or software to do this, and if you’re doing it manually it can take some time.

If you’re running affiliate promotions though, you’ll need to figure out a way of doing this effectively, even if it’s just a manual import of all previous affiliates into a second affiliate system, and a mailing that tells them their account is already open, and ready to go, along with an ad they can use, complete with their promotion URL to get them started immediately.

Whilst we’re talking about this in fact, I’ll let you in on a little something.

Big Mistake 2 – Dead Ends

Next up, we’re going to look at the final part of the actual set up of the affiliate program. It’s something that’s really important and fundamental in online business, not just for affiliate programs, and that’s to link it up, and give your customers a path to follow.

Ok that might sound amateurish and maybe a little patronizing, so my apologies for that, however the other day I was browsing around checking out the competition and what they’re up to related to my next product, and what I found was many of them, both in their sales letter (if there was one) and in their affiliate signup pages, they dead ended me.

What I mean by that is, I go to sign up for their affiliate program, and they have this great sales page that tells me how much I’m going to earn per sale, a really nice bonus scheme for top affiliates etc. and I got to the bottom of the page, and guess what I found? Well, not much actually. They sold me on this affiliate program, but the page just ended. No click here to sign up, no nothing.

Now that’s an extreme example I have to admit, but let’s be honest here, if you’re seriously getting into affiliate marketing you can’t afford to do that.

If you have an affiliate’s button that leads to a page that explains a little about your affiliate program, try to fit the form in at the base of the page, or at least have a click here to sign up.

Granted, normally I wouldn’t have mentioned this, but looking around it’s definitely worth it. So never forget, a nav bar is good, but you have to show the customer where to go, with click here’s, or forms that tell the story for themselves.

You’re still selling yourself here, and getting the all-important affiliates can be more profitable than making the sale yourself. Don’t overlook small things such as this, pick through your setup with a fine toothcomb and make sure no page has a dead end anywhere.

Regards, Coyalita

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