Social Media Domination Facebook
Social Media Domination Supremacy Facebook remains the biggest social network of all. In fact, when many people think ‘social network’ they think Facebook. Facebook has so many users that if it were a country, it would be one of the largest in the world. There are a ton of opportunities here and there are countless different tools that can help you to get more from it.
Let us look at how success on Facebook works…
Facebook for Businesses
If you are going to try and succeed on Facebook, then the first thing you will need is a Facebook page. Unlike Twitter or other social networks, you do not just create an account for your business on Facebook but use your personal account to set up a ‘Page’ that will then represent your business.
Your Facebook page though will look like a Facebook profile – with a profile and cover image. From there, you can then post status updates, pictures, and links. (“Facebook: Discover 7 Amazing Marketing Strategies | Matt …”)
When you post these things, it will be shared with the followers you have accrued. However, you will not reach 100% of those followers and instead will tend to reach about 16%. So, if you have one hundred followers, then everything you post will be seen by about 16 people each time.
So that is not very much… Facebook’s argument for doing this is that the home feed was simply becoming too crowded for most people, though it was also motivated by financial gain; paying to promote a Facebook post means that more of your followers will see it.
Either way, a canny post will often reach more than just the page’s followers. That is because all the same options and features exist for page posts as they do for other posts. (“Facebook: Discover 7 Amazing Marketing Strategies | Matt …”) So, if someone were to comment on your post, then friends of that person might see this. Likewise, people can share your posts with their own network, or they ‘Like’ them. (“Facebook: Discover 7 Amazing Marketing Strategies | Matt …”) Friends will also see when people like your page.
This then means that in theory, Facebook can facilitate a post going viral. If enough people see your link and share it, then it will proliferate throughout different social networks until millions of people have seen it.
One or two other features also exist on Facebook for businesses. For instance, you have the option to create a ‘Call to Action’ for your page, which means you can get people to sign up to your mailing list or to send an e-mail to you by clicking a button that lives at the top of the page.
Finally, there are Facebook ads which can work on a PPC basis (pay per click) or even a CPA basis (Cost Per Action). The latter is remarkably interesting as it means you might only pay when someone downloads your free app, or when someone signs up to your mailing list. (“Facebook: Discover 7 Amazing Marketing Strategies | Matt …”)
How to Succeed on Facebook
The most popular and successful pages on Facebook are the ones that regularly share useful content from around the web – and particularly those that share content they created themselves. If you have a blog or a website, then this is the ideal place to share your content and to get lots of eyes on it. (“Facebook: Discover 7 Amazing Marketing Strategies | Matt …”)
To maximize the benefit from this though, your aim should be to create posts that will get clicked and that will get shared. (“Facebook: Discover 7 Amazing Marketing Strategies | Matt …”) To do this, you need to understand what type of content does well on Facebook.
And unfortunately, the main thing that should come to mind here is the infamous ‘clickbait.’ Clickbait is content with topics and with titles that have been specifically designed to get people to click it, without necessarily giving much regard to the quality that it provides. (“Facebook: Discover 7 Amazing Marketing Strategies | Matt …”) Sometimes the quality is there of course, and the article will deliver on its promise. In other cases, though, it is amounts to a ‘trap’ for the reader.
What might a clickbait title look like? Often these will use curiosity to encourage people to click. “For instance: “You’ll never believe what happens at the end of this video… I nearly lost my mind!”” (“Using Facebook as a Real Estate Investor – REIClub”) In other cases, the articles might be purposefully controversial, they might suggest gossip, or they might make outrageous claims. Examples might be “This one trick can build pounds of muscle overnight. But should it be legal?” or “Executives at Apple are FURIOUS With Microsoft for this Latest Scandal.’
Other titles will promise incredible results: “How this drink can change your life forever – boosts brain power up to 500%!”. Finally, some will combine several of these strategies in one title: “You’ll never believe the strange way this young boy DOUBLED his brain power!” This same strategy will also often be used in adverts – like the ‘1 Weird Trick’ you always hear about.
These titles work because people cannot help but be curious. Sure, it is nonsense but what if it is not? Does it really hurt to take a few seconds to click the link?
But while this method might work, that does not mean that you should be doing it yourself. Why? Because although you will get lots of visitors, you will also probably damage your reputation – and quite possibly irreparably. People do not like being tricked and if they feel that one of your articles has conned them, then they will be unlikely to want to click on another of your links in future.
So, what do you do instead? Simple: you create links that are this unique, this interesting and this bombastic… but that deliver. And the main way to do that? That would be to produce content that is completely original and that puts a new angle on a popular topic.
The problem with a lot of content on the web these days is that it is bland, derivative and done before. How many articles have you seen on ‘how to get a six pack’? How often have you seen the ‘Top 10 Healthiest Foods’? It is boring!
But what you might not have heard of is ‘cardio acceleration’ – a cool sounding training method that can genuinely enhance fat burning (something like 135% according to actual research). (“Facebook: Discover 7 Amazing Marketing Strategies | Matt …”) Or what about an indepth post on foods that boost mitochondrial function to increase energy levels to ‘that of a young child’?
These topics elicit curiosity because most of us will not be familiar with things like cardio acceleration. It sounds cool and interesting, and we can imagine what it might do but we need to read to find out. And when we do, we are not disappointed.
Your objective then should be to produce content that is new. “That means reading into your topic in depth, it means combining different related subjects and it means reading scientific research in many cases too.” (“Using Facebook as a Real Estate Investor – REIClub”)
Again, the best litmus test is whether you would read it. Ask yourself: would that title be enough that you would just have to click it if you had not written it yourself? And would the content being delivered live up to your hopes once you did click it? “Once you master that, you will find you start to get more people reading your content and more people choosing to follow your page.” (“Using Facebook as a Real Estate Investor – Colorado…”)
Content That Gets Shared
That is how you write content that will get read. Now how do you create content that will be shared?
Again, this comes down to understanding the psychology of social media. Why do people share the content they share?
And to figure this out, we need to remember that social networks are communication tools. People share content primarily than to communicate. That means they will either share content to express themselves, or to show they are thinking of someone and start a conversation.
And therefore, it is so helpful to have a ‘persona’ in mind for your content. A persona is a fictional character who will play the role of your ‘ideal audience.’ (“Facebook: Discover 7 Amazing Marketing Strategies | Matt …”) And the quickest and best way to find this persona is to think of people you know in your life. Write your content for them and make it so perfectly tailored for them and their ilk, that if you saw it, you would just have to tag them in it, or post it to their wall.
An example of such tailored content might be an article about people who cannot concentrate when they are working from home – this would be perfect for us to share with someone who works from home and who we have accused of slacking in the past. (“Facebook: Discover 7 Amazing Marketing Strategies | Matt …”) Likewise, a post on the return of a popular old band will get shared on the walls of people who are known for enjoying the music of that group.
Similarly, we post content like this on our own walls or like it to communicate our interests and our lifestyles. When we like a post about a band, that is our way of associating ourselves with that music and thereby expressing ourselves as individuals. (“Facebook: Discover 7 Amazing Marketing Strategies | Matt …”) Likewise, you may like or share an article on travelling if you think that is an important part of who you are (or if you want people to think it is…).
In short, content that is well targeted at a specific audience will always perform particularly well in terms of shares and comments. (“Facebook: Discover 7 Amazing Marketing Strategies | Matt …”)
Oh, and one more thing – people will often share or like content before they have even read it. “This tells you right away how important it is to have a descriptive title and to pick the right image.” (“Facebook: Discover 7 Amazing Marketing Strategies | Matt …”) Often people will like a post because they like the image – regardless of what the post is about!
Making Money and Generating Leads from Other People’s Content
Finally, note that you can still also share the content of others through your page if it is relevant to your niche or industry. “Ideally, this means sharing industry news and opinion pieces relating to your topic.” (“Facebook: Discover 7 Amazing Marketing Strategies | Matt …”)
While this will mean sending people away from your brand, curating content is a service unto itself, and you can still provide value this way. (“Facebook: Discover 7 Amazing Marketing Strategies | Matt …”) What is more, this lets you keep your page active without having to do anything yourself.
Finally, it means that you can find content that has already been proven to be extraordinarily successful and then benefit off the back of that. Apps like Buzz Sumo ( make this extremely easy by letting you share popular content to your social accounts at the press of a button.
For advanced marketers, it is even possible to use some pop-up plugins to add e-mail opt-in forms to external content. By using a special link, you can send someone to third party content and then have a pop-up appear with your e-mail when they try to exit that page!
Best Wishes, Coyalita
See Tomorrow: “Instagram”
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This is a remarkably interesting post concerning FACEBOOK. Why is Facebook “content that is well targeted at a specific audience will always perform particularly well in terms of shares and comments?”
Hello Kamran, in response to your question about the reason for a specific targeted audience on Facebook is so that you can test drive various audiences to see how your promotions are interacting with them. For example, those who already have businesses or those who are interested in creating a business through digital products if that is what you are trying to sell will be more likely to respond to your ads and purchase products rather than others who really have no interest, they just want to browse your website or on your Facebook page without really being interested. I hope this helps to answer your question. Best Wishes..