Profit Streams

Profit Streams 21-Powerful-Ways-to Make Money Online: Affiliate Marketing via Videos

Profit Streams 21-Powerful-Ways-to Make Money Online: Affiliate Marketing via Videos Are you the imaginative type who can make use of video as a medium to express creative and interesting material? Then affiliate marketing via creative videos may be just the ticket.

Ever since YouTube took off, there has been a change in the way we look at video as a medium. Now, the video is no longer the province of cinematographers, and even the most ordinary person can make a video if they have a camcorder to record it with, and then share via the World Wide Web.

Adding your affiliate links into your videos can be done in several ways. One is as part of the video, such as holding up a board with the URL, or adding a cutaway to display the URL. This is highly recommended, since the viewers have no choice but to see it.

Another way is to add the URL via annotations. Yet another way is to add the URL in the description box below your video. For brevity’s sake, you may want to use URL shortening services like and tinyurl.

Why is video effective in affiliate marketing? Well, it’s simply because of the chance that your video will “go viral” or enjoy a massive surge in popularity as people share and link through to your video. With all those hits, you might as well exploit the traffic and turn it to affiliate marketing.

While the traffic tends to come more naturally than it does with marketing blogs, the success of your venture to apply affiliate marketing via video will depend mostly on the content of your video.

It must be interesting, compelling, and shareable to get the popularity and hits needed to make money from affiliate marketing.

Regards, Coyalita 

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