Pinterest Business Boards

Pinterest Business Boards

Pinterest Business Boards Make Your Pins Stand Out Now that you know what pins are for, make sure that yours have an impact.

Add descriptions – For each pin, add a description so others know what you were thinking when you added it. For example, a fashion designer may talk about how a particular outfit would fit into your wardrobe.

Use relevant searchable keywords so others can find your pins and boards on Pinterest.

Share useful links – Every image doesn’t have to link back to your site. Readers will follow you if they know that you offer useful information that interests them.

This includes adding links to relevant content from other sites via the images that you pin.

Go mobile – If you own a Smartphone, use the Pinterest app to pin on the go. You can build boards from anywhere and still have access to thousands and thousands of images.

Use your camera to add unique images. If your business is promoting a local event, create a board. Use your phone and Instagram to capture every moment and pin the images.

Pinterest Business Boards

Regards, Coyalita 

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