Step 1 – You Need a Web Page to Subscribe Visitors From
Creating a squeeze page (or squeeze pages) for your site
The objective is to collect the e-mail information from anyone who visits this page, a page known as a squeeze page. This page is going to ‘standalone’ separate from your WordPress installation, but it is still going to be attached to the same site, domain name and the directory in which you have already placed the WordPress files.
Every article page of your WordPress installation must be linked to this squeeze page. This ensures that the squeeze page receives the maximum incoming link ‘power’ from within your site and ensures that the search engines find it. (“How To Make Money with Emails [Part 2] | Internet …”)
However, on the squeeze page, the only outgoing links should be those that are required by the search engines like Google, things like a link to your ‘Terms of service,’ ‘Earnings disclaimer’ and so on. Otherwise, do not link this squeeze page back to your content pages, because that offers your visitor another way of ‘escaping’ from this page without subscribing to your list.
In order to short circuit the work of creating the squeeze page, there are plenty of places where you can download free templates such as here, here and also here.
Of these three sets of templates, the one that I would focus on is the first if it is still available. This is because the templates in this package follow what are perceived to be the guidelines for creating the most successful squeeze pages.
A powerful and personalized headline in red is always a good start, because any visitor who lands on this page will see themselves in ‘most people’ or ‘most women.’ They immediately understand that by subscribing to your list, they are going to learn the secrets that most people will never know, and everyone loves to learn secrets, particularly those that no one else is privy to:
It tells you how long it is going to take to learn these secrets, and you should of course minimize this time. People are more willing to spend 30 minutes doing something than they would be if it were going to take 90 minutes, so keep the time down to a minimum.
One other highly effective numbers-based strategy that you often see applied when the headline promises to teach you how to make money (which is the best-known example) is to use an exact figure.
Instead of teaching you how to make $5000 a month, the headline might promise to teach how to make $5276.87 a month, which always generates a better response than a rounded figure. This appears to be because the sum quoted somehow seems to be more real and that mentioning such a precise figure implies that it has been achieved in real life rather than being a vague figure plucked from the head of some advertising executive.
You have a bullet pointed list of benefits (nb. it is extremely important that you list benefits as opposed to features), and then at the bottom of the page, there is the all-important call to action:
This is where the opt in subscription box would be pasted on the squeeze page, right underneath the final reminder as to why your visitor should subscribe to your list and the ‘call to action’ where you tell them exactly what they must do to do so. Note that you should not ask them to subscribe but tell them and tell them how to do the job – just including a simple instruction of this nature will often increase your subscription rates by a significant margin.
Incidentally, you will need to edit these templates using HTML, but you can download a free WYSIWYG (‘What you see is what you get’) editor from Kompozer which will make the job a piece of cake.
The other option is to create your own squeeze page from scratch and if you are using a WYSIWYG web editor, it is not that difficult.
The amount of information you need to include on your squeeze page is dependent upon the marketplace you are operating in and the power of the message you can include in the headline.
For example, here is an amazingly simple subscription form used by one the more successful online dating businesses that they have been using for some considerable time:
As an alternative, the same company uses a squeeze page, which is remarkably like the template we were dissecting above:
No matter what kind of squeeze page you are using, the only way you will ever know if it is as effective as it could be is by evaluating every new squeeze page you use, and to keep testing on a regular basis.
From the outset, institute a program of regular back-to-back squeeze page testing, starting on a ‘macro’ level. This means starting with radically different squeeze pages (as these squeeze pages are going to be hosted on your website, there is no limit to how many you can evaluate one against the other). Send a reasonable number of visitors to each page (ideally from the same traffic source) to establish which of the radically different squeeze pages works the best.
From there, you then start testing on a ‘micro’ level by making one slight change to create two different squeeze page versions that are almost identical. Assess them in the same way as you were, to establish which is the most effective. Take the one that is most effective, make another change, run the test again and so on.
In this way, you will keep improving your squeeze pages, and that means more people who will subscribe to your mailing list.
Best Wishes, Coyalita
Also See: “Uploading Your Squeeze Page”
Just use your first name and valid email address – I will never sell or share your email address with anyone. Never. You may unsubscribe anytime. I hate spam just as much as you do.