Internet Secrets Unlocked

Internet Secrets Unlocked

Marketing Secrets Unlocked – Method 6

Internet Secrets UnlockedIS the gold in the list? It IS if you use this trick…. If you’re serious about Internet Marketing, I’d say you pretty much needed to build a list from day one. It can be done without a mailing list but it makes it bloody hard work.

I’ve heard all sorts of figures bandied about on the actual amounts you should be able to make from your list. I honestly think most of it is complete rubbish made up on the spot by marketers when someone asks them.

However, although I’m pretty sure there’s no definite answer to how much you should make from your list, I can’t help using the following equation when I assess my own earnings from my list.

I’ll say now that this is irrational and not based on any research – however it works as a rule of thumb for me.

Not counting new launches, affiliate earnings or any other sort of income from my websites – PURELY going off mailings to my list, I always try to earn around $0.50 per person on my list.

Obviously, this doesn’t mean that everyone on my list sends me a dollar (although that would be nice) it means that on average, with some people buying and some ignoring the emails, I average $1 per person per month.

So, with a mailing list of 1,000 I’d expect to take in $500 a month from that one list alone.

THAT’S why you should build a list. Because it doesn’t take much effort and it’s a great source of ongoing income. If you need money in a hurry too, you can send out a mailing and have $500 in your account in 24-48 hours.

I know of someone who uses his (very large) list to fund purchases rather than use banks or credit. He tells me he bought a $300,000 house from a single mailing to his list. I believe him.

I’m not going to go into how to build a list because it’s not what this book is about. You can find plenty of free info on the net about this.

I use Aweber at to manage my lists. Others use getresponse and alone software that can be installed on your own server.

To really earn good profits from your mailing list there is a secret. The secret is…

Have More Than ONE List!

That’s it. That’s the secret.

Now, if you only have one list you rely on to earn money then you already know what to expect. $1 per subscriber. But that equation DOUBLES if you have two lists to pull in profits from. Want to triple it? Then have 3 lists. And so on and so forth.

Obviously, it’s not as simple as that. You could argue that a big list would bring in exactly the same sales as a dozen small lists that equates to the same number of subscribers.

Well yes and no.

If you have a large general list, you’ll get a percentage of sales sure, but not all the people on your list will want what you’re offering at any particular time.

Some will be into AdSense, some into affiliate courses, some into viral marketing and others into (for example) software, so might not want an eBook on self-development.

See what I mean?

They’ve all opted in to your list to get a freebie (presumably) but what the big boys – THE GURUS do, is realize that to make serious money you need to be more exact about what your list wants, so they have multiple lists.

Here’s how it works. They have multiple opt in pages each offering a different freebie. One might be on AdSense, one on affiliate courses, one on viral marketing etc.

Because the opt-in pages are more specialized, they know in much more detail what the subscriber is after. So, to the list that opted in to get the free AdSense course they’ll target mostly AdSense and pay per click related products.

To the people who opted in for the viral marketing freebie they’ll target mostly viral marketing products.

And the end result is they end up with a much higher purchase rate than the ‘general’ list that most subscribers try to earn from.

Really, it’s niche marketing via a list rather than a website.

Instead of $1 per subscriber, they might make $7 per subscriber.

And on a 15,000 list that’s the difference between $15,000 a month and $105,000 a month.

From the same number of people – just more targeted.

This is possibly THE biggest secret that the gurus want to keep to themselves. I’ll bet you’ve not read about it before.

Use it – it’s worth 100 times the price of this book.

I’m speaking from experience.

Here is What You Have Missed Inside…

Marketing Secrets Unlocked – Method 3 – Perceived Value.

Marketing Secrets Unlocked – Method 4 – Can You REALLY Make Money From “Making Money”?

Marketing Secrets Unlocked – Method 5 – The Persona Is Quicker Than the Eye

Marketing Secrets Unlocked – Method 7 – Your Product Must Have A Story… 

Marketing Secrets Unlocked – Method 8 – Bums DO Earn Money. . .Online

Marketing Secrets Unlocked – Method 9 – Squeeze Page Secrets 

Marketing Secrets Unlocked – Method 10 – The SEO Myth

Marketing Secrets Unlocked – Method 11 – Cheap sells.


Offer Ends June 24th at Midnight So Grab Your Copy Soon!

Regards, Coyalita 

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