Instant Buzz Mastery

Instant Buzz Mastery

Secrets the Pros Use to Drive Profits Through the Roof with Instant Buzz

Drive Targeted Buyers to Your Web Site NOT Window Shoppers

What is Instant Buzz?

Instant Buzz is a tool that plugs into your web browser (Internet Explorer and Firefox). Instant Buzz shows you a tiny little ad for every web page you view. You earn advertising credits, and your ad is shown on another Instant Buzz member’s site. This is what an Instant Buzz advertisement looks like in my Internet Explorer browser:

See the little instant buzz ad in the screen shot? If you don’t mind a little ad like that you can get a TON of extra traffic for your web site.

How does it work?

Every time you surf a web site (ANY web site) you see a tiny ad in your web browser. For every 10 pages you surf you earn 1 credit in the Instant Buzz system. The more credits you get the more often your ad is displayed on another Instant Buzz member’s web site.


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