How to Start a Niche Business on the Internet: Step IV – Create Your Niche Product
How to Start a Niche Business on the Internet: Step IV – Create Your Niche Product You’re finally at the most exciting stage of the process (well, except for when
the sales start rolling in!). It’s time to create a product for your niche market.
Before you start, you need to determine the best format for the product. eBooks’ are hot and, of course, the format most of us first think of when creating a product. But there are other format options, too.
Consider the following possibilities:
• Audio – in the form of a downloadable mp3 file or cd.
• Video – many people are visual learners. Video is a great way to deliver instructional content.
• Other multi-media – Flash, streaming audio and video, software.
Choosing a Format – Guidelines and Considerations
Ideally, you should choose the format which best supports the presentation of the content.
Are you teaching something that is difficult to explain in words? Consider adding video tutorials to your product or delivering the entire product as a video.
Does your audience need to hear certain things – like tone, inflection or pronunciation? You’ll want to add audio to enhance that information.
Also, remember that your product doesn’t have to roll everything up into one package. If your content lends itself to a simple, one-off e-book format, that’s great. But you can break the product down into different pieces if necessary. Often, the addition of audio or video formats creates a higher perceived value, allowing you to raise your price accordingly.
Lastly, make sure that your chosen format meets the following criteria:
• Easily delivered via digital download
• Cost-effective to produce
• Accessible by the majority of potential customers (look out for pc vs. Mac compatibility issues, large files that eat up your bandwidth and/or are a hassle for customers with slow connections)
• Feasible (given your current skills) to produce on your own if costs prohibit you from hiring help0
Getting Your Product Pulled Together in Record Time
Once you’ve got a solid product idea in place, you naturally want to see it brought to life as quickly as possible.
Your three biggest time concerns:
1. Content: researching it, writing it, organizing it, formatting it, etc.
2. Design: proper e-book formatting and layout.
3. Quality: recording audio or video, converting it to the proper format and getting file size under control.
The question to ask now is:
Do you want to do all this work on your own? Can you do all this work without losing too much time?
Let’s look at the options…
The Do-It-Yourself Approach
For this discussion, we’ll take eBooks into consideration. Assume, though, that similar amounts of work, investment and time are involved when creating audio/video products.
To create your product, you need to create content. Where will you acquire this content?
Well, you can write all of it yourself if you feel comfortable doing that. This could require more time and effort. It all depends on how much background knowledge you have in your niche, and on your abilities as a writer.
It would take a whole separate report to teach you how to write an e-book from scratch. I can’t give you all of the tricks and tactics here, but I can give you some basic tips:
• Before you write a single word: Sit down and visualize your completed product. How long is it? How detailed? What information must you absolutely include, and what constitutes “filler” or details?
• Create an outline. Break your subject down into chapters, and break the chapters down into sections.
• If you have trouble staying focused, write down a one or two paragraph summary of what your book is about. Or, get a tape recorder and record yourself lecturing on the subject as you would to a ‘student’.
• Remember: you don’t have to write it all at once. If you get easily overwhelmed, set some reasonable goals. Just write your introduction and then take a break. Alternately, get yourself a timer and set it to go off in 15 minutes. Write without distraction until the timer goes off, and then take a break.
• Writer’s block? Try writing just one introductory sentence for each chapter or section. Eventually, you’ll spot an area where your mind easily comes up with something else to add after one of those sentences. If you’re feeling really zoned out, the folks over at Brain Gym International.
( recommend drawing figure-eights or infinity symbols on a piece of paper – just doodle them over and over in the same spot for as long as you need to.
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Regards, Coyalita
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