How to Make Insane Profits Online Getting Started

How to Make Insane Profits Online Getting Started

How to Make Insane Profits Online in this part I will tell you what you need to set up your online resale business.

What you absolutely must have to run a resale business is a web site and a domain name.

It is obvious… if you do not have a web site, how are you going to make your products available for download, or accept credit card payments from your customers?

So, first you should find yourself some space with a web hosting service.

There are many hosting services online, and they all offer different prices, but I personally use Bizland to host all my web sites. For a small monthly fee ($5.95 at the time of writing), you can have a Charter account, with 200 MB of web storage. That is more than enough to get started.

If you select the Value Option you get a massive 500 MB, plus you also get your own domain name. This can be interesting because then you do not have to pay for one, and your domain name will automatically be directed to your web host.

“How To Make Insane Profits Online”

You can also use a free web hosting service if you want, but I do not recommend it. You will not have all the tools and extra services like FTP-access, enough bandwidth, CGI-scripts, multiple email addresses, guaranteed uptime and live support, etc. with a free hosting.

You should also stick with a real domain name.

Or how professional will you look to a potential customer when he sees a link like:

It shouts… “I AM AN AMATEUR!” 😉

These days, domain names have become affordable for everyone, and that is why you should have one.

You can already get a domain name (just like mine: starting from $8.70 at:

Here are two other reliable services:

Go for a “.com” or “.net” domain as these are the ones that are picked up first via the search engines. Also choose a name that appeals to your business.

A good name could be “”. -At the moment of printing this name was still available. I may in fact register it for myself 😉

If you expect to have your website for a while, you can usually save out by registering for multiple years at once.

Next to your web site and domain name you will need a payment processor to accept payments online.

Many marketers use Clickbank to manage all their credit card and cheque payments.

I’m not going to explain here how the service works, but you can read all about it in the “Working With Clickbank” eBook, it is free for download.

Or you can sign up right now for an account by clicking here You can also use PayPal to accept online payments. PayPal is widely used by millions of users and makes it easy to send and receive money through your email address.

The next thing you need is an autoresponder.

Every successful online marketer will tell you that a reliable autoresponder service is necessary so that you can continue to contact people repeatedly and expose them to your offer/product.

Most people need to see your message at least seven times before they trust (and order from) you.

In fact, I would rank this higher than getting a web site because you can have people send an email to your autoresponder address and they will be plugged into your opt-in list.

From that list you can just send endorsements for new resale rights products and make sales.

I know many people who make six figures online just from email marketing with autoresponders.

The remarkable thing about having an opt-in list is that you can use your mailing list repeatedly.

As your list grows, so will your profits.

With a mailing list you can send out multiple mailings to promote affiliate programs, new products, special reports, and eBooks, etc.

And because a mailing list is “ready-to-gone” at any time you need it, you can cash in on all the fresh opportunities that come along before the rest of the world gets wind of it…

Here is the autoresponder service that I use. It allows you to set up multiple accounts, so you can build several lists, without paying for a new account.

Let me give you an example that just happened to me last week.

On a Thursday afternoon I got an email from a business friend who had authored a new special report that he sold with resell rights included.

The report was about eBook marketing, and I knew that quite a few people would know about it by Monday.

So, what did I do?

I bought the reprint rights, uploaded the ready-made web page that came with it, setup my ordering link and sent out a simple and short mailing to my list. (“How to make insane profits with Resale Rights – Free course”)

The entire process from the time I received the email to the time I sent out my own mailing was less than 30 minutes.

Many subscribers on my list ordered the report from my web site, and I made $280 in just a few hours.

Orders continue to come in at the time I am writing this, because I set up the same email message on my autoresponder system.

Do you see how important having that mailing list is?

You can do the same thing yourself…

Write a course or a special report about the subject of your business and give it away via a pop-up form on your web site.

The key is to provide VALUABLE information (like what you are receiving in this report 🙂

If you provide your readers with useful content, then you will find that many browsers will turn into buyers.

Why? Because they recognize that you know what you are talking about.

They see that what you are explaining to them really works and is understandable.

Bottom line: When you help others, they help you.

You need to give away something valuable first to capture leads and build your list.

TIP: If you do not know how to author a high-quality report, I recommend Profit Pulling Reports. It is a complete report that walks you through EVERY STEP of the process (including how to write that very first sentence).

(Members of the Digital Reseller Vault get free access to this report – plus over $800.00 worth in other products with Resell Rights and Mini Sites!)

In the next part I will explain what to look out for when you buy an eBook package so that you do not lose any money, and why it is good to sell a high-end product.

Best Wishes, Coyalita

Also See: “Resell Rights – The Lowdown”


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