How to Make Insane Profits Online Resell Rights – The Lowdown

How to Make Insane Profits Online Resell Rights – The Lowdown

eBooks and eBook packages come in varied sizes. If you want to buy an eBook, and the license says that you cannot package and sell the eBook with any other products, then I would not buy it.

(Of course, I am talking here as a reseller… If you see an interesting eBook online and find it interesting, then do not let me stop you from buying it. (“”How To Make Insane Profits Online by Selling”) You can learn so much by reading and studying alone.)

Authors who do not want people to package their book with other products, do this because there is less of a chance that their book will get read. (“”How To Make Insane Profits Online by Selling”)

It is understandable.

If you download a package of fifty eBooks, what are the chances that you will read all those books? (“How to make insane profits with Resale Rights – Free course”)

When the author says that you can buy and resell his/her book but cannot sell it below a suggested price then just do not do it. (“”How To Make Insane Profits Online by Selling”)

It is bad business if you do it and lowering the price will not actually help you to sell more copies. (“”How To Make Insane Profits Online by Selling”)

“How To Make Insane Profits Online”

People want “more value”, not “lower price”.

Pack on the benefits and bonuses instead!

But here is a word of warning…

It is very enticing for a newbie to hear that they can just take a product and make profits simply by marketing it. (“”How To Make Insane Profits Online by Selling”)

That is why resell rights products are such hot sellers. They promise big rewards with little effort.

Since so many newbies are jumping online to find effortless ways to earn an income, their eyes almost pop out of their sockets when they see a site selling “300 products that you can resell yourself and keep all the profit for only 10 bucks!”.

No doubt, which IS a great bargain.

But a bargain is not going to make you any money.

If you cannot sell one product…, how are you going to sell three hundred assorted products?

Most products that come with resell rights packages are not worth 1/10th of their suggested retail price they say they are worth. (“”How To Make Insane Profits Online by Selling”)

eBook marketers like to tell you that you are getting “X” amount of dollars in value for their package. (“”How To Make Insane Profits Online by Selling”)

“In many cases, that number is usually cranked up to make the product look more valuable.” (“”How To Make Insane Profits Online by Selling”)

Keep in mind to do your own research, and this not only to protect yourself, but also to protect all your customers from any complaints, or in the worst case, a lawsuit. (“”How To Make Insane Profits Online by Selling”)

Use your own judgment to decide on the value of a product before you invest your hard-earned money to obtain the resell rights for a product. (“”How To Make Insane Profits Online by Selling”)

If an eBook is valued at $34.95 or $97.95, then it would not be bundled with three hundred other products and sold for a lousy $14.95.

It does not make any sense.

If the people who sell these products believe they are worth the suggested price, they would sell the products individually. (“”How To Make Insane Profits Online by Selling”)

By the way… I never see any of these types of products being sold individually. “They are always part of a package or a membership price.” (“”How To Make Insane Profits Online by Selling”)

The major reason that people sell their products with expert resell rights, is to spread their name so they can make backend profits on it. (“”How To Make Insane Profits Online by Selling”)

“A backend profit is a profit that you make after selling to an existing customer.” (“How to make insane profits with Resale Rights – Free course”)

Example: you buy an eBook for a low price and then the seller wants to sell you an additional product of more value later. (“”How To Make Insane Profits Online by Selling”)

“Front end profit is the profit you make from your first sale to a customer.” (“”How To Make Insane Profits Online by Selling”)

In other words, if you make a second sale to the same customer, that is a backend profit. (“How to make insane profits with Resale Rights – Free course”)

That is where the real profit is made. If a person buys from you once, they will buy from you repeatedly – at least, if you deliver the same quality. (“”How To Make Insane Profits Online by Selling”)

Best Wishes, Coyalita

Also see: “About “High End Resell Rights Products”


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