Entrepreneurial Success Live in The Now

Entrepreneurial Success Live in The Now

Futuristic Entrepreneurial Success Live in The Now You are keenly aware of just how many times you have failed in the past.
For some reason, the brain is wired to remember negative experiences better. (“Tradutoringles.com.br | Tradutor de Inglês Para Português …”)

That is why you should always look at product reviews online with a skeptical eye because most people – in fact, all the people – who had a positive experience does not think about it enough to post an online review.

Inversely, most of the people who had a negative experience do think about posting an online review and many of them do. So, your brain is wired to remember your failures better than your successes but that does not mean that you must let those past failures control you or even influence your actions in the present. (“KEYS 2 MEDICAL ENTREPRENEURIAL SUCCESS”)

The Value of Past Mistakes

Of course, past mistakes do have some value. You can learn from your past mistakes and that is an advantage that we have over most of the animals out there. We can learn from our failures, change the way that we are doing it and then move forward with the new strategy. (“Tradutor Inglês › Português: Of course, past mistakes do …”)

If you try something in it does not work, then you can try something else later. So, do not hate your past mistakes. They have made you who you are now, which is obviously, someone who is motivated and desires success, but does not dwell
on your past mistakes either.

Do not live in the past. When you think about a past failure here are some of the ways that you may feel about it: embarrassed, depressed, frustrated, angry or fearful just to name a few. Now, throw all of those out the window when it comes to past failures.

In fact, you are not allowed to be emotional about any past failure from here on out. You are going to look at the failure objectively, see what worked and what did not, and then move forward, because it is never as bad as you think it is. (“KEYS 2 MEDICAL ENTREPRENEURIAL SUCCESS”)

You are the Only One Who Remembers Your Failures

It is like that episode of Happy Days where Tom Hanks plays a man who went to high school with The Fonz, had some sort of problem with him, and spent a decade learning karate so that he came back and whoop on Arthur Fonzerelli. (“KEYS 2 MEDICAL ENTREPRENEURIAL SUCCESS”)

Do you know what happened?

The Fonz did not even remember him and was more than happy to apologize for past mistakes. The guy spent 10 years of his life dwelling on the past and the only reason that it grew from a tiny event to this huge persecution that he had to get revenge for was his own self-talk throughout those 10 years.

Turning Potential Failures into Successes

On the opposite end of the spectrum, another thing we do is to think negatively about future events as well. How is this connected to the past mistakes? If your mind is dwelling on past mistakes, and your mindset is failure because of that, obviously, any future events will be seen through the same distorted lens. Many people let “what ifs” stand in their way. (“Tradutoringles.com.br | Tradutor de Inglês Para Português …”)

It is all in the way that things are worded and make no mistake; words are an immensely powerful thing. A comedian once said something like: ‘I used to tell people I was trying to be funny, and I couldn’t get a gig to save my life, but then I told the next guy I was being funny, and he booked me!”
(“Entrepreneur Mindset: Discover The 10 Steps to Program …”)

There are a lot of “what ifs” out there that could stop you dead in your tracks or spur you onto success depending upon how you word them. For example, instead of thinking that you are going to fail at something, and giving yourself that self-talk, take a positive spin on it and think that you are going to have massive success instead.

Whenever you find yourself thinking a “what if” statement that is negative, stop yourself and turn it into a positive one. (“Entrepreneur Mindset: Discover The 10 Steps To
Program …”)

Eventually, this will become a habit and you will hardly ever find yourself having a negative thought like that again. What you will notice is that you start thinking “what if” positive statements and this will have an enormous impact on your life; your attitude will improve, you will be happier, and you
will be more willing to work on the things that will bring you success. (“Entrepreneur Mindset: Discover The 10 Steps to Program …”)

Take It One Day at a Time

“Each morning when you get out of bed, think of something that you can do to make yourself proud of what you have accomplished.” (“Tradutor Futuristic Entrepreneurial Success Inglês › Português: Each morning when you get out …”) Think of a reason that you should be proud of yourself and then do something to make that happen.

For example, you have your entire Saturday to yourself. You can have a barbecue; you can watch some football on TV; you can work on the hobbies that you have been neglecting, or you can spend eight hours working on your business. (“KEYS 2 MEDICAL ENTREPRENEURIAL SUCCESS”) At the end of the day, which one of these do you think that you will be proud
of yourself for?

This does not necessarily mean that you need to spend every waking minute that you are not at work or every bit of free time that you get working on your business, although you could, but it does mean that when you have the chance to work, do not procrastinate. (“KEYS 2 MEDICAL ENTREPRENEURIAL SUCCESS”)

Spending time on your project is not the only way to do something that you would be proud of either. If you put $100 in your savings account today, towards your online business in some way, you can be proud of yourself for that. Just do something every day to make yourself proud. (“KEYS 2 MEDICAL ENTREPRENEURIAL SUCCESS”)

Do not Try to Do Too Much

One thing to keep in mind, however, is that you should limit what you are doing to a reasonable amount. Many people get excited about their goals and then they bite off more than they can chew and end up feeling like a failure.

For example, you should spend no more than the eight hours
discussed earlier on that Saturday where you find yourself with free time. (“Tradutoringles.com.br | Tradutor de Inglês Para Português …”)

You might think that you can work for twelve straight hours after a week of doing your job, and you can, but it is more likely that you are going to burn out and then you will feel as if you failed. Set goals that you can achieve, and you will be proud of yourself.

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Best Wishes, Coyalita

See Tomorrow: “Clarity is Power”


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