Promotion Tactics
Promotion Tactics – Introduction to Online Marketing Using Email Lists as a Marketing Tool.
As a business entrepreneur there are numerous ways to increase your sales and better market yourself and your abilities. One of the most common, and most profitable, ways to increase your network is through online marketing.
Online marketing is a must for anyone who owns their own business or has a product or an idea they’re trying to sell. Twenty years ago, online marketing wouldn’t have gotten you very far, but now the internet is the quickest, and most productive, way to get your idea out there into the world.
One of the most useful methods of online marketing is email marketing. Email marketing does a number of helpful things for you. Email marketing:
Allows you to reach many people at once
Gives you an unlimited number of contacts
Is more affordable than regular mail
It’s easy to update
These points are very important for today’s marketing entrepreneur. Let’s talk about the first point. Email marketing allows you to reach a number of people at once.
Allows You to Reach Many People at Once
When I say ‘A number of people’ I don’t just mean ten or twenty, I’m talking hundreds and thousands. You might have a hundred email addresses to work with and email marketing will let you get through to all of them.
It’s not only that you can email many people; the great thing about email marketing is also that you can email many people at once and say the same thing to them. In other words, you don’t have to re-write the email over and over.
One of the things I find about handwriting letters and advertisements is that although it is still a lot less informal, it is sloppy.
Hand writing all of your clients means you either a) Write hundreds of letter until your wrists are stiff and your fingers ache, or b) write one letter and photocopy it which doesn’t look nearly as impressive as handwriting them.
Email correspondence saves you a lot of trouble because nobody expects a handwritten online letter. You don’t have to worry about photocopies and buying stamps, all you have to do is write a brilliant advertisement or newsletter and send it through multiple emails. You can also copy and paste the letter if your email list is too large to send that many messages at once.
Gives You an Unlimited Number of Contacts
That brings me to my second point. Email lists can be unlimited. Yes, addresses in your personal organizer can be unlimited as well, but emails are so much easier to keep up with. You don’t have to worry about losing your address book or one of your clients moving and you not having the new address.
With your email list you can almost guarantee their email address is going to be the same every time you make contact with them, no matter how far away they moved.
Keeping your email list organized is also much easier than you think, in fact, most providers, such as Google, keep your contacts organized systematically.
An autoresponder service such as would be the choice if you’re looking for a complete email marketing solution – from getting your site visitors to subscribe for updates to easily sending out a newsletter to them. I’ll discuss more on this in the next few pages.
It Is More Affordable Than Regular Mail
Email is free. It really doesn’t get any better than free, does it? When it comes to marketing, very little things can be considered affordable. After all, marketing is a competitive business to be in.
When you market yourself, you have to keep up with everyone else in the same market as you, which means you need to be aware of:
Current trends
Your manner of speaking and writing
Your appearance
Your sell ability
Your finances
Your finances are the first thing that should be on your mind as you step into the wonderful world of online marketing. Actually, your finances should be on your mind even marketing yourself offline and there are many ways to save yourself some money here and there.
One of the best ways, of course, is through email marketing. Let’s look at the cost of postage for a moment. When you send a letter you are paying for the price of the paper, the envelope and the stamp.
Those are just the outside costs. Mailing a letter through the post also means you’re paying for your own time. Writing one excellent sales letter can take anywhere from five minutes to an hour (We tend to rethink our sales letters, don’t we?).
Copying that letter hundreds of times will take even longer. Now, let’s add in the time it takes to hand write that letter
instead of type it (you can double the minutes on that) and then add on some more wasted time when you have to search every contact’s address and write those on the envelopes (which is a necessity).
Time consuming, isn’t it?
Emailing your clients takes away all of that extra wasted time and money you would have spent on sending those letter or advertisements through the post.
It’s Easy to Update
One of the most difficult parts about regular mailings through the post is that your product or idea is one that changes throughout times (such as cell phone services), then you are going to have to send out letters on a regular kind of basis.
In other words, you are not done mailing those letters yet. Whenever something about your product changes or (very importantly) goes on sale, you are going to have to notify your clients again.
That notification takes you back to square one of your mailings. Why would you want to go through all the trouble of having to mail out numerous new letters or advertisement when you could just email all those updates for free?
One of the best things about having an email list for your online market is that not only can you write your clients and keep them up to date on your products and services, but you can also email coupons to your clients and have limited time sales without worrying about your fliers being outdated by the time they reach your customers through regular mail.
This particular email strategy is also extremely useful for those who have a business that shops to other places in the world. If your clients are traveler’s and they don’t get to check their house mail too often, then using email as your communication will ensure your customers are up to date on your services and can order from wherever in the world they happen to be at the time.
Using An Autoresponder Service To Build Your Email List
One of the easiest and most convenient ways to build and maintain a database of your subscribers is to use an autoresponder service as mentioned before.
A popular autoresponder service is AWeber AWeber is an all-in-one solution to building, maintaining and emailing to your database.
You can broadcast an email anytime to particular lists you create or to all.
In addition, you can personalize your email newsletters with your subscriber’s details such as their first and last name, only if you collect these details when they subscribe.
AWeber allows you to build opt-in forms so that your website visitors can enter their details to stay up to date with your site, get tips, download a product and so on.
Have a special offer you want to email out to your list? Simply send a broadcast message.
One powerful feature of using these types of autoresponder services is that you can schedule messages to broadcast on specific days after someone subscribes to your list. This makes a great sales tool since you are following up on subscribers/prospects.
Top Tips To Make The Most Out Of Email Marketing
Utilize split-testing, click tracking and open rate features of an autoresponder service like AWeber. Most major autoresponder services offer these features so that you can test to see which email gets more opens and clicks or you could even test between two versions of your email.
Make your email subject line captivating to increase open rates. The first thing your subscribers will see other than who the email came from is the email subject line. I don’t mean USING ALL CAPS to capture attention (it sounds like you’re screaming), but instead utilize certain techniques such as the power of specifics.
Example: “How I grew an email list of 10,128 subscribers in 10 days”. This makes it look more realistic and believable than “How I grew an email list of 10,000”.
Another great way to increase open rates is to ask a question. Here’s an example: “Did you receive your latest report?”
Subscribers will most likely open it out of curiosity and to make sure they didn’t miss out on anything.
Be consistent with your broadcast emails. The last thing you want is for your subscribers to forget about who you are and why they subscribed to your list. It’s a good habit to email on a consistent basis, whether that’s once a month or once a day, people want to know when to expect to hear from you.
Segment your list to laser target your content. The best response you’ll get is when you have subscribers who are actually interested in a specific topic.
If you market is in the “online marketing” niche, you could segment your list by creating a “Social Media” list, Copywriting list, Emailing Marketing list and so on.
Whenever you have an offer or update related to any of those topics, you simply send it out to just that specific segment.
You could also create a “Customers” list and also a list for your Affiliates to segment it even more.
A good example of a company segmenting their list quite well is Unbounce ( Take a look at their blog and the free guides they are giving away at the end of each post. The guide given depends on the blog topic. If it’s related to testing and tracking, they offer a guide on testing and tracking.
Use email as a way to drive traffic to your website. You could write 1,000 words in an email and make your subscribers read a long email or you could simply tell your subscriber to click on the link to view the message on your website.
The idea is to get your subscribers to visit your website, and this could be your blog or a page with an offer, so that they can engage in your content. With email, your subscriber would only be able to reply to you via email.
What’s Included?
How Often Should You Contact Subscribers?
Using A Blog And Website to Promote Your Business
Product Description
“You absolutely must compliment your product with the appropriate website”
The Power of A Blog
Use Your Blog To Share Personal Thoughts Or Rant On A Subject
Use Your Blog To Entertain
“Your clients want to be entertained.”
Use Your Blog To Share Valuable Tips & How To’s
Do And Don’ts When Blogging
Social Media Marketing
Search Engine Optimization
Articles Describe Your Products
“You must use the right keywords for your product in order for Search Engine Optimization to work best.”
Your Home Page
You Must Have an Excellent First Article
Product Descriptions
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Regards, Coyalita
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