More Leads More Sales

More Leads More Sales

77 Ways to Generate Targeted Traffic Without Paying A Single Cent!

More Leads More Sales – Making money online starts with attracting traffic to your site. Of course this does not happen overnight. You need to exert some effort and spend time working on a strategy that gets more people to visit your site. This is where most internet marketers get stuck and confused.

In reality, most internet marketers say that generating site traffic is the biggest challenge they face. It is not something that can be ignored after all. Without site traffic, your offers and promotions will not be seen by anyone. No matter how good your product or services are, no one will buy them because no one sees them. No sales effectively bring your online business to a grinding halt.

With this in mind, internet marketers use a wide variety of web tools and tactics to squeeze out as much site traffic as they can. This may be a good idea but you have to remember that generating site traffic is an on-going task. Paying for site traffic makes things a bit easier but costs easily pile up this way. There is not even a guarantee that they will work either. What if you paid for something that does not work?

A more cost-effective solution is not to spend anything on generating site traffic at all. Yes, it is possible to do this without spending a single cent. You should know that there are plenty of ways that allow internet marketers to attract traffic to their site absolutely free of charge.

The benefits of free traffic generation techniques could not be any better. Obviously, they are free and do not add expenses for doing business. Making a mistake here does not mean good money goes down the drain. Since you are not limited by budget, you can try as many techniques as you want. This makes your campaign much more flexible and responsive to new challenges that come up every time. You can make changes  and try different techniques as necessary.

An internet marketer needs leads. These are important contact information from potential customers. This allows you to communicate with people who are more likely to buy  something from you. A targeted approach gives you more chances of closing deals.

Another thing you should do is to boost your online reputation. Get as much exposure as you can as well. This applies for both people and programs that search all over the internet. This only helps in bringing more people to your site. Remember, there is no such thing as too much site traffic in this business.

This eBook is designed to provide the latest and most effective traffic generation techniques available today. It is a comprehensive guide on all the things you can do to attract as much site visitors as possible. Do everything right and you should start seeing the results of a successful traffic generation campaign coming your way.

So are you ready to start dealing with thousands of site visitors?  Here are 77 ways to generate targeted traffic without paying a single cent!

Making money off of the Internet requires sales, and you need people to sell to. You need leads – contact information that you can use to communicate with potential customers. Moreover you need to boost your business’s image and exposure to get attention from both people and the programs that scour and index the Internet. Here are 77 ways to generate targeted traffic, without paying a single cent!

Make a list of all of your free resources

Establish a procedure and strategy for exploiting Twitter!

Start up as many Twitter accounts as you possibly can!

Start up as many blogs as you possibly can!

Establish a clear-cut plan for updating and maintaining all of your social media accounts and profiles!

Whenever possible, automate!

Start up the account!

Come up with a video and multimedia strategy!

Register with as many search engines as you possibly can!

Exhaust the vast amount of free services and resources that are out there, with regards to article directories and press release services!

Establish and pursue a grassroots, old-fashioned, word of  mouth marketing campaign!

Establish a protocol and procedure for efficiently mass producing free e-mail addresses such as Yahoo e-mail

Test your strategies and ideas out first on web assets that
don’t matter to you!

Don’t marry yourself or commit yourself to one school of

Make use of Google Docs, a free service, in order to organize your efforts!

Make use of free trials for premium services and software programs that are out there!

Come up with a strategy for tools like HootSuite!

Establish a clear-cut plan and strategy for Facebook!

Come up with a procedure for continually reviewing and of rechecking your hypotheses about Internet marketing!

Determine whether forum posting is a viable way to deliver the kind of traffic that you need to your websites!

Don’t get too attached to your customers!

Establish a plan for RSS feeds!

Utilize MySpace!

Determine where WordPress fits in to the rest of your Internet marketing master plan!

Test run the free trial for SocialOomph!

Make use of the free 10 posts through BuildMyRank!

Apply for as many Internet marketing forums as you can!

Register with Warrior Forum!

Establish a good history and “credit record” at Warrior Forum!

Establish personal, strong business relationships and partnerships!

And Much More!

Conclusion: Know Your Free Traffic Sources and Use Them

Veteran internet marketers know this fully well: there are basically two ways to get free traffic on the Internet these days and that’s either through a search engine or through a social engine.

The methods presented to you in this report are used by enterprise marketers – companies and organizations of 100, 200… thousands of employees and team members.

Now, some of them use some pretty expensive, proprietary technologies along with these free methods, but these free methods are used in one way or another by enterprises.

The list you have just read is a roster of free tools that anybody can sign up for, in any country, and you don’t have to pay a cent to get started with any of these services. That all said, there’s  going to often be a dimension or piece of both ways to getting traffic.

For almost every tool listed here, there’s going to be something in it for your social media marketing campaigns and strategies, and there’s also going to be something in it for your search engine marketing campaigns and strategies.

There’s almost always a free version of whatever it is you’re trying to do; it’s just a matter of you being a little more “creative” (shall we say).

Just as there are two sides to the “force,” (Star Wars), there are two sides to viewing, understanding the web: search engine, or social engine. Both are critical to online sales.

Whenever you have the option, go with the free method for Traffic Generation.

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Regards, Coyalita

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