Forex Duh?

Forex Duh?

In any business or moneymaking venture, preparation and foreknowledge are the keys to success. Without this sort of insight, the attempt to make a profitable financial decision can only end in disaster and failure, regardless of your level of motivation and determination or the amount of money you plan to invest.

In the stock market, this rule applies to the nth degree, as you are investing
your own money in what could be considered a high-risk wager, and you are playing with fire if you do not have at least a general background knowledge of how it functions.

Since having a background in any area is helpful in guiding you down a path in that particular region, the more solid your basis of investment knowledge is, the more likely you are to profit from any attempt to trade on the open market.

In many ways, trading on the stock market can be compared to driving – you do not have to be an expert to get behind the wheel of a car, though you are expected to have some previous knowledge about basic traffic laws, including moving violations, safety regulations, and other legal vehicular infractions, which are learned through either specific study and coursework or even through some form of simple exposure (such as the years you have spent riding with your parents and others who have driven for years).

You should be able to comprehend the basic tools used to navigate a car (where the brake pedal is located versus the gas, and how to use the rearview mirror, for example), even if you have never touched a steering wheel.

The same is true in entering the world of the stock market. While you do not have to know all the terminology (you will not be short selling or determining your own long and short positions at first, so you do not have to understand these references completely, though you should be aware of them), you should certainly be versed in the basic functionality of trading stocks, bonds, securities, and other commodities.

Here’s What’s Included Inside….

Chapter 1: Stock Market 101
Making Decisions In The Beginning
Chapter 2: Stock Market Trends
The Market Outlook
Chapter 3: An Introduction to Forex
Forex Functionality
Forex Today
Chapter 4: Understanding Currency Conversion
Currency Expression
Forex Trending
Chapter 5: Understanding Statistics
Chapter 6: Forex Volatility and Market Expectation
Chapter 7: Aspects Of The Trade
Market-Makers And Selling Short
Chapter 8: Risk Management
Chapter 9: Buzz Words
Margins, Spreads, And Other Condiments
Chapter 11: Other Trading Options
Chapter 12: In Review
The Basic Trade
The Foreign Exchange Market
Careers In The Market
Protecting Your Investments
Chapter 13: One Final Option

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Regards, Coyalita 

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