Dominate the Web

Dominate the Web

Monetizing Your Skills and Assets

Dominate the Web – Monetizing Your Skills and Assets To ensure that your business starts off on the right track, you need to thoroughly study yourself and ascertain the knowledge, skills and assets that you have.

Are you great at writing content? How about graphics design? Do you love analyzing statistics, programming or networking?

Regardless of what you excel in, it’s useful if you can learn something from each of these areas.

Increasing your range of skills can improve your chances of success in Internet marketing tremendously, by reducing outsourcing costs and improving your effort to results ratio e.g. how effective your work is.


Writers are always in demand in the Internet marketing industry. If you have the ability to write, take advantage of that skill and explore areas such as; article writing, copywriting, ghost writing, content development and newsletter publishing.

So many people assume that writing is easy, but the difference in quality between writers is huge. A good quality writer can be the difference between success and failure, hence why some can demand such large salaries.

Graphics Design

There are plenty of opportunities on the Internet for graphic designers. One of the most common ways for designers to earn money is through freelancing for one off task that individuals or businesses need doing.

This can be a great way to earn an income and you have the potential to turn single tasks into long-term contracts. If your business isn’t going to be design based then you can still use your skills to create a beautiful site with attractive sales copy and banners. These small improvements can cause much larger changes in your income.


Earning money online requires you to analyze and study the statistics, so you have an idea about what your next move or business strategy should be. Take note of your website or ads’ click through rates, your impressions and your conversation rates.

If you are overwhelmed with these terms, don’t be. There are tools that can help you analyze these statistics like Google Analytics and Stat Counter.


If you excel at programming, monetize that skill by installing scripts like the Butterfly Marketing script on your site. This script is a content management system that allows you to sell various digital products.

Whenever people buy your product, they automatically become a member and an affiliate marketer. As affiliate marketers, they get sent a unique link that pays them their commission for every person they refer or every sale they make.

If you know any HTML, CSS or PHP you’ll also be able to use this to help customize your site to make it more user friendly and aesthetic. This will help to increase your conversion rate.

If you’re struggling for startup capital or just need some extra income then you can also look at freelance programming.


This is the most important skill that any Internet marketer should have or should learn. This skill is extremely valuable especially when outsourcing or looking for JV partners and affiliates, who will be crucial in growing your business and allowing you to take a more hands-free approach.

If you want to succeed at Internet marketing, you need to invest the time to understand how you can properly market the skills that you have and commit yourself to learning the skills that you lack.

Just like in any field, if you don’t already have the skills then you can learn them. You can attend summits, conventions, seminars and study Internet marketing courses.

Keep in mind that this industry is a competitive and fast-paced environment, so you need to stay at the front if you want to be profitable in the long run. You must be willing to learn, even if it means going out of your comfort zone.

Dominate the Web

Regards, Coyalita

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