Amazon Payday Secrets

Amazon Payday Secrets

Put The Amazon Links on the Right Place

Typically, for you to make money on this affiliate program of, your visitors should go to your website, click the valid affiliate links to be directed on Amazon, and buy from them.

However, placing the approved link in the wrong location will lessen your chance of making money.

The key here for you to succeed and earn money from this affiliate program is to put your approved affiliate links in the right place.

It is very important to strategically put your Amazon Affiliate Links on your website in order for you to obtain the best results.

Take Note: Your chance to make money with Amazon Affiliate Program will depend on the location of your affiliate links on your website. Putting the affiliate links in the right place, the higher your chance of driving a visitor to your site to purchase from

Some of the most effective ways for you to maximize your potential to make money from Amazon Affiliate Program is to put your approved links on banners, sidebar widgets and articles or product reviews in your site.

These are the best of all possible placements on your website, and these are the top locations that high earning affiliate members are putting their approved links.

To be particular, here are the most effective Amazon linking methods you can use to your full advantage.

Recommended Product Links – This method enables you to display a number of product images with descriptions based on the keywords that you have selected. This linking method will ensure that the products showed in your site are relevant to your niche.

The nice thing with this is that you have the ability to control and modify the size of the display box according to your preference as well as its color.

Search Box – Placing a search box in your site that your visitors can use to search for products at is also a good linking method. If they found a product and followed the link to to purchase it, then you get commission for this.

• Content Links – This Amazon linking method enables you to put a text link within a certain part of your article, which will lead to or to the page where the particular product that you are promoting is located.

For example, perhaps you wrote an article or review about Samsung Galaxy. You can hyperlink word Samsung Galaxy using the exact URL of that product on, so that when the readers click it, they will be directed to it on the site of Amazon.

• Slide Show – This is one of the most effective linking methods available as it can easily attract visitors to your site to check the product and go to

In this method, you just have to simply choose the products that you want to promote and they will eventually be displayed in the slide show in a rotating order.

The moving products from the slide show can certainly get the attention of the visitors of your site, which in turn increases the chance that they will click them and take time to check them out on

Maximize your full potential to make money online with the use of this Affiliate Program. Use this guide to help you succeed in making money with Amazon Affiliate Program.

So, if you want to ensure that you will make money with Amazon Affiliate Program, follow these things mentioned above and incorporate them properly.

In this way, you will be able to make sure that you will earn higher amounts of money from being an affiliate associate of

Regards, Coyalita 

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