Article Magic

Article Magic

 The Past, Present and Future of Article Marketing

Article Magic Article Marketing Today Again, article marketing hasn’t changed much. What worked in the area of article marketing in the past, still works today – except that the announcement lists aren’t as effective for getting your article out.

There have been many attempts, however, to change article marketing, in terms of writing and distributing. Some of those new methods are successful, while others are not.

For instance, in recent years, automated submission software has come into the picture. This worked for a while, greatly speeding up the submission process, but most of the top article directories now block such software, and reject articles that are auto submitted.

The owners of those directories understand that such software could eventually make article marketing a thing of the past.

There has been software created to help one write articles. While this is useful software, what people don’t realize is that it still takes some degree of writing skill to produce a quality article.

This software is not 100% effective. What most people do now, if they don’t have the writing skills that article marketing demands, is to hire ghostwriters to write their articles for them.

Unfortunately, not everyone who calls themselves a writer actually is. Some of the so-called writers out there have worse writing skills than the person seeking help! Many don’t even speak English.

Hiring a ghostwriter is perfectly acceptable. First, nobody knows that you did not write the article yourself. If you choose a good ghostwriter, you will have quality articles that do what they were meant to do. You will also find that the cost of a ghostwriter is quite reasonable.

Most people hire a ghostwriter and then have the writer write a couple of articles to see how well they do, and then stick with the ghostwriter long term when they see that the ghostwriter can accomplish the task effectively.

In the past year or so, numerous new article repositories have popped up around the Internet. This is due to the release (and sale) of article directory scripts.

You see, owning and operating an article directory can make you money. People come to your site to submit their articles to your directory.

While they are there, they may view AdSense ads or other ads that are on your site. Since they register for your site to be able to submit articles, you are also now able to send them emails as well.

If the article directory site is promoted properly by the owner, he or she makes additional money by placing AdSense or other ads on all of the article pages. This does not hurt the author of the articles in any way.

The key here is that the site must be promoted by the owner in order for it to gain popularity. While submitting to these newcomers may not be very beneficial to the author of the article at the moment, it will be beneficial in the future – once the site has aged and become popular.

There are numerous courses available now that teach the art of article marketing today as well. In the past, it was something that you had to figure out on your own. Today, there is help to be had. There is free information, as well as paid information.

If you need to learn, the free information will give you the help you need to get started in the right direction, but the paid information is what you will need in order to succeed and get the most benefits out of article marketing.

As in the past, there are still newcomers to Internet Marketing who don’t understand the spirit of the Internet. You will still see articles, from time to time, that are nothing more than sales letters.

Thankfully, however, the people who run the most authoritative article repositories don’t allow such salesy articles to make it into their database. Articles are still usually manually viewed and approved before they are published on these sites.

Article theft, where someone takes your article and removes your name, trying to pass it off as their own work, has become a small problem. But for the most part, this problem doesn’t have a large impact on the Internet community.

Usually, when the offender is called out and informed of the legal ramifications, the article is removed.

No matter what new methods come into play, one thing will always remain the same. In order to be successful at article marketing, you must turn out quality articles that serve to help, inform, or educate people.

This is the only way that you will be rewarded for your efforts, because the spirit of the Internet really does exist – and it’s here to stay.

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Regards, Coyalita 

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