Mass Traffic Attack on Organized Computer
Now to dealing with your computer. Whilst everyone will agree with the previous points about having an uncluttered workspace, quite often they will wonder what the fuss is about when it comes to organizing their computers. There is no physical mess or untidiness on a computer as such is there? When you are done for the day, you just close everything down and your computer looks the same from the outside doesn’t it?
Well, getting your digital “tools” organized is just as important as keeping your “physical” tools – your office workspace – clear from clutter. Those with untidy desks with papers strewn all over the place will have an equally untidy computer. For a long time, I was guilty of that myself!
If you are by nature a very tidy person in your home and office, then you are the same with your computer so the following advice may not apply to you. However, you should still read it because you may learn something new.
There are two aspects to organizing your computer. The first is to keep everything in a clear, logical manner so that you can quickly retrieve files and information without having to spend minutes and hours searching for them. Simply by organizing your computer, and how you use it, will save you a lot of time each day. The second aspect is to remove the distractions that exist on our computers and cause us to “play around” when we ought to be working.
The first, and most obvious thing to do, is to keep all your business-related files together. If you have not already done this, in the ‘My Documents’ folder create a new subfolder called ‘Business’. Alternatively, if you prefer to use your Desktop, create the Business folder there.
I personally prefer to use the Desktop for this because I find it easier to access. If you would rather use the My Documents/Documents folder that is fine. OK, nothing radical so far, in fact I would be stunned if most people reading this had not already done something similar.
However, if you have struggled to get yourself meticulously organized the next part will be of interest to you.
Create the following sub-folders:
Projects Current
Projects Future
All the files that you use will be inside this ‘Business’ folder.
Let us go through them one at a time.
Archive – This is stuff that you want to keep “just in case.” See after this section when we look at going through your folders to clear out the junk.
Daily – The most important folder. Everything new gets created in this folder. Every existing file, every article you work on, you should move it into this folder, and open it up from here. If you download files off the internet, download them into this folder. Now, here is the grandiose thing. BEFORE you close your computer at the end of your working day, you MUST empty this folder and move every single file into one of the other categorized folders. In practice this will either be into ‘Projects Current’, ‘Projects Future’ or ‘Resources’. Or if you have created some non-business-related stuff, i.e., personal files then move them into your Personal folder. Keep your Business and your Personal files separate. If any files, for example images of you that you want to use on a web site, fit into both Business and Personal then keep TWO copies of those files in TWO separate Business and Personal folders. This is important to keep you organized.
Projects Current – These are all your current projects, obviously. Ideally you should only have one project ongoing, but we all know the real world does not work like that. Create a separate subfolder for each project; to make things easier use abbreviations. For example, when I was working on this ‘MASS TRAFFIC ATTACK’ project I used a subfolder called FTF. Everything to do with this project – eBook, notes, web site, affiliate promotion tools was kept in this one folder.
Projects Future – In here you would keep notes of projects you would like to do in the future. You bought an eBook about something that gives you an idea, but you do not have the time to do it now. Again, create subfolders inside this main folder with the different project names. Make a note in Microsoft Outlook to periodically check this folder to see if you are ready to start one of these projects. However, you should be ruthless with this – do not allow this folder to keep growing. If you lose interest in a future project, or something better comes along, either delete that project completely or move it to the Archive folder.
Resources – This is where you keep all those training manuals, courses, and videos you have bought over the years (if that is the case!). Anything else you need to refer to as a reference goes into here. For example, I once bought a huge graphics pack, I keep that in this folder for when I want to use a particular graphic on a web site. Anything to do with your business, anything that may be useful to your business, which is not a ‘Project’ goes into here.
Get used to using those five folders and you will be amazed at how quickly you will be organized, and how much easier it is to get work done. It is a simple method but one that has worked very successfully for me over an extended period. Of course, you need to work this method in conjunction with a “To Do List” or “Task Manager.” That is something we will look at in greater detail at the end of this chapter.
Before you can get started with the 5-folder system, you may need to do some serious spring cleaning on your computer’s hard drive. I say ‘may’; that is for those of us who are naturally disorganized – if you are a naturally tidy person then this does not apply!
Go through all your various documents – in your Documents folder, on your Desktop and anywhere else you have created files. Anything that is nothing to do with your online business goes into your Personal folders. Everything else needs to go into one of the five folders we have just discussed.
If you do not recognize a particular file, open it up and look. It may be some free eBook you once downloaded titled “Newest Traffic Tactics for 1997”. Do not worry, that has happened to me too! Get rid of it, delete it.
Should you have a lot of this kind of unnecessary clutter you will find it very therapeutic “throwing” this into the virtual trash can, and you will also gain a lot of space.
This is without trouble the most valuable and powerful product you will find on Mass Traffic Attack, so act right now to get instant access $37 on sale now$ 17.00 purchase by clicking the button below.
What’s Included
- Website
- eBook 94 pgs.
- 14 Power Points
- 14 Videos
- PLR and MRR Licenses
Best Wishes, Coyalita
See Tomorrow: “Removing Distractions”
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