One month to 1000 List Members Final Step is Traffic Generation

One month to 1000 List Members the Final Step is Traffic Generation

The Final Step is Traffic Generation – There can be no doubt that sending visitors to your website is the number #1 key that dictates how successful your site is.

There are thousands of websites giving information about how to drive traffic to your web site for free, and because traffic generation merits a book by itself, I do not intend to go into any detail about traffic here.

However, I have included a handful of traffic generation guidelines here to get you started, including one strategy that is vastly underused and underrated.

Before looking at these strategies, however, there is one thing to note.

Many of the most popular traffic generation strategies (such as article/Bum marketing) not only create traffic for your site, but they also send one way links to your pages. Hence, when you create and publish external promotional materials, you should vary the pages of your site that you provide links to, not forgetting to send some visitors directly to your squeeze pages.

In this way, you will build a strong incoming link network which will (over time) ensure that you start to see increasing numbers of visitors from the major search engines like Google and Yahoo.

However, to start, you need to send traffic to your site as quickly as possible if you are to hit your 1000 list members in one month target. To begin, run a standard Google search using a phrase like the one in the following screenshot, because you can see that there is plenty of information available that will help you get started sending visitors to your site:

If you are using Mozilla Firefox and you have the Google search box at the top right-hand corner of the screen, click on the ‘G’ icon to generate the drop-down box, then ‘Manage Search Engines’:

Finally, make sure that ‘Show Search Suggestions’ is checked:

By doing this, every time you start to type into the search box, Google will suggest alternatives – alternatives like the ones in the following screen shot that are going to give you plenty of ideas about generating free traffic to your site:

If you want to know how to use articles to drive visitors to your web site, you should grab your free copy of the Bum Marketing Method

You can grab a free tool here that enables you to send information about your site to 130 leading social bookmarking sites (which is not only great for traffic, but excellent for generating the links that Google loves), and there is no shortage of information related to ‘video marketing tips’:

There is plenty of information about using forums to market your site as well, and you always know that in a forum, you will always be dealing with like-minded people who will inevitably be interested in the kind of information you have present:

One underused traffic generation strategy that is well worth getting yourself involved in is using traffic exchanges in association with your squeeze pages.

This is how it works. Join some of the leading traffic exchange programs like Traffic, Swat Traffic, MaxTraffic, Eternal Hits, Traffic Splash and I Love Hits, and register under the category that is most appropriate to your product. There are dozens of traffic exchange programs, so join as many as you think you can manage.

Traffic exchanges work on the basis that you will be shown promotional pages from other members that are appropriate to your chosen category, and in return, other people who have registered for the same category will be shown your promotional page.

The more pages you look at, the more visitors will be sent to your page, and if you can surf a traffic exchange for 20 minutes a day five days a week, you could realistically put your promotional page in front of between 400 and 500 traffic exchange members a week.

You might imagine that with so many pages, most exchange members should enjoy a degree of success, but very few do. Most people make the mistake of using traffic exchange programs to try to sell products or services, but because no-one who uses a traffic exchange is interested in buying anything, they very rarely succeed.

However, if you show people a squeeze page where you offer something of value and it is free, the nature of the traffic exchange ‘game’ changes significantly. Do things this way, and assuming that your free offer is perceived to be valuable enough, you will have targeted visitors signing up for your list.

In addition, if you can convince other people to sign up for the same traffic exchanges through your link, you will receive bonus page views for your promotional materials based on the number of times they use the traffic exchange in question. Consequently, with a bit of work and a well targeted free offer, you can build up an ever-increasing stream of targeted free visitors who will grab your offer (and sign up for your list) while all the time, you are making less and less effort.

Most marketers ignore traffic exchanges, probably because many of them tried to use traffic exchanges to sell their products in their early days (and failed), so they have never been back. However, if you use traffic exchanges in association with a squeeze page that has an attractive offer (especially a unique one), you can very quickly generate dozens of new mailing list signups every day.

Don’t Wait any longer get your 1000 Members List started – Remember the Money is in the List!

ONLY $37

Best Wishes, Coyalita

See Tomorrow: Pushing Prospects to Become Customers


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