Marketing Rampage with Podcasts
Different Podcast Formats
Marketing Rampage with Podcasts – Different Podcast Formats When you order my e-book “Marketing Rampage with Podcasts”, I’ll share with you about the 8 different podcast formats.
In this lesson, we’ll just look at two podcast formats, namely:
a) The Interview Show
Just like the popular Jay Leno talk show, in this format, you act like an interviewer, asking or interviewing someone.
This person can be an expert in a certain field, for example, keeping aquarium fishes, or an internet marketer, a fitness instructor, and so on.
b) The call in show.
In this format, people phone in and you talk to them.
This works well in any problem diagnosis situation, where people ask you for help with their problems or questions.
For example, a phone in show about gardening, or their maintaining a SUV or PowerPoints tips and you give advice to them that is practical as well as value add.
With so many podcast formats available, it’s important to understand how each one works and choose one that best suits your style.
Secrets To A Successful Podcast
The secret to a successful podcast is still…. CONTENT.
People want to subscribe and listen to something that adds value to their lives, something that helps them solve their problems, answer their questions and so on.
However, what content should you be podcasting about?
The answer is simple. Just look at what you’re good at, or at least have an interest in. Generally, if you have an interest in a topic, it will be quite easy to share what you already know as well as to pick up and learn new things related to that topic.
Which brings us to the term “niche podcasting”.
Podcast To Your Niche
There’s a saying that goes something like this:
“If you want to be broke, market to all the folks. If you want to be rich, market to your niche”. How true is this statement? Regardless of what business you’re in, you have to target the right people.
It’s the same with Podcasting.
Remember in the previous lesson, we discuss about the secret of successful podcasting, which is none other than Content.
And this leads us back to our niche.
Don’t worry right now about advertising, just look for niche markets to serve.
The farther you drill down into the niche, the better chance you have of getting your podcast heard.
For example, you might be a person who likes to read books.
So, your niche will be “books”. But don’t just stop there. Drill down further.
What type of books do you normally read? Is it romance or science-fiction?
If it’s romance, who are your favorite authors? What do you like about him/her?
Come up with a few categories and then develop your podcast around these categories or “sub-niches”. You can find more examples of how to do this in my e-book.
You’ll find that providing content on a particular topic is very easy if it happens to be something you enjoy. Don’t worry about running out of ideas or where to start.
Here’s a good example:
If you love coffee as much as the rest of the world, then you’ll love this podcast about all thing’s coffee. Whether you’re a coffee drinker or a coffee shop owner, this podcast offers something for everyone.
This is just one example of a specific niche market served by a podcast.
My e-book provides plenty of examples to get you going. I’ll show you where you can listen and subscribe to podcasts of various topics.
Besides, I’ve also included video tutorials to guide you along, as well as detailed step by step blueprint for creating your own successful podcasts.
Regards, Coyalita
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