Online Traffic Secrets
Online Traffic Secrets – Web-traffic, every website needs it; every webmaster wants more of it. We are all looking for that one secret traffic trick that will turn our site around.
There are tons of websites out there on the internet. Competition is fierce to entice the visitors. But the real thing is that among the heap of Web pages out there, only a countable percentage of webpages-pages able to succeed a steady readership, also only these same Web pages bring advertisers.
To fight the battle, you first need to develop and execute a Web site advertising strategy. There is no quick fix; web-owners must need to stay patient, dynamic and consistent.
There are several ways to encourage traffic to your site. In this E-book we will provide and discuss the strategies that have long lasted and are proven to their core.
Chapter 1 Generate website Traffic through Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
SEO is the technique of promoting a website in order to improve its rankings so that a site receives maximum number of visitors organically from search engines.
Search Engine Ranking is essential to generate traffic because users click on the search results that are listed on the first page.
Clearly there’s a big advantage for any web-owner, if they can rank their website high in the search engine results.
Google and other search engines rank websites according to relevancy, value, and user experience. If you can improve your website for these three reasons, you can stay at the top for a long time. Each search engine has its own distinctive ranking criteria and uses their ingenious algorithm which weighs each criterion accordingly.
This is the most crucial factor in organic search engine optimization. The fact is webmasters have to select the precise keywords for their business, products/services and their target market. Owner must keep in mind that they need to identify with their targeting audience and then build their search engine optimization strategy around that audience.
Basically, keywords are the requisites and phrases that the target audience uses when searching for the products and services that the owner of the website is offering. Then according to the ranking of the website on the major search engines and directories it will be shown on that page.
The owner of the site must choose keyword phrases that will bring constant targeted traffic consisting of potential customers. It becomes important to research and validate the keywords for the search queries.
Following the basic fundamentals of the Keyword Placement:-
Here’s What’s Included
Keyword prominence
Keyword Proximity
Keyword Frequency
Keyword Density
Anchors and Links
Tweaking the Website
Title Tag
Meta Description tag
The Meta Keywords Tag
Body text
Chapter 2 – How To Drive Immense Traffic Via Content Marketing?
YouTube Marketing
Forum Marketing
Become a Thought Leader
Be Helpful to Members
Offer Shareable Content
Chapter 3 – Email Marketing – Crucial Website Traffic Generator
Understand their needs
Synchronize your other marketing channels with email
Design the RSS Feeds for Blog Seriously
Use Your Signature in Email
Give Serious Thought to Subject Line
Focus on Conversions
Optimizing Email Marketing Campaign
Know The Rules
Chapter 4 – Social Media Marketing
How to Generate Traffic through Social Media Channels?
Build Your Own Community
Develop Email List via Social Media
Post At Right Time
Chapter 5 – Build Quality Backlinks To Get Huge Traffic
Why Need Backlinks?
Building Backlinks
Chapter 6 – Miscellaneous Ways to Generate Traffic
Generating Traffic with e-zines
Generating Traffic with Google AdWords
Chapter 7 Importance of Website Stats to Generate Traffic
Final Words
And Much More…
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Regards, Coyalita
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